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Talk at the Primal Life Summit, Plymouth

Duke Of Cornwall Hotel Millbay Road, Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom

"Expanding Consciousness" For information and booking You are entitled to a discount of 20% if you use the code CHRISTA20

Talk at Conscious Café, London, 25th February 2019

Steiner House 35 Park Rd, London, United Kingdom

The Power of Altered States of Consciousness This talk will be exploring altered states of consciousness and show why expanding our consciousness through accessing altered states is key to evolution; why artists create, musicians and writers create their best work in altered states; why spiritual masters receive their teachings within them and why even scientists…

Breaking Convention Conference 2019 – Workshop and Talk

London Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, London, United Kingdom

I will be speaking about 'embodying the feminine via trance dance' at Breaking Convention 2019, and run a workshop for women. Check out the programme and come to my workshop and talk, or just say 'hi' if you are there. If you are into 'cutting edge' research about psychedelics, listening to some top speakers and…

Rising Up and Burning Bright: Strengthen your Feminine Warrior Medicine

IT'S FREE OR YOU CAN DONATE TO THE WOMAN FEST! YOU WILL NEED TO REGISTER: I will be offering  a workshop at this year's Woman Fest. After a brief talk about women's role in weaving a tapestry of change in movements, projects, initiatives & rebellions, it will offer a shamanic journey to the heart…

Conference: Sacred Earth Activism – Co-creating the Emerging World

We will be hosting our online teaching conference / gathering about Sacred Earth Activism on March 27th & 28th, with amazing international speakers, visionaries and activists. Bringing together activism with the spiritual, we hope to contribute to these transformational times offering a weekend of sharing inspiration and teachings through talks and workshops, as well as…

The Rebirth of the Sacred: Inner & Outer Activism

EARTH- AND SOUL TALKS I am delighted to have a conversation with Bill Pfeiffer, the founder of the Sacred Earth Network and the author of the acclaimed and pioneering book ‘Wild Earth, Wild Soul: A Manual for an Ecstatic Culture’ Bill will explore how inner soul connection and growth correlates to outer activism and how…


Online @ Unity Earth

I will be hosting some of the events in the 'Sacred Sites / Sacred Lands' room at the UNITY EARTH - WORLD UNITY WEEK this year. World Unity Week is a big, free, world-wide event with the most exciting speakers, workshops, ceremonies, yoga, meditation and much more. Come and register if you want to click…

Hosting, Workshops & Cacao Ceremony @ WOMEN FEST 2021

Woman Fest Glastonbury

I will be hosting the WOMEN RISING space this year at the Woman Fest 202, Glastonbury. It's an amazing, vibrant, heart-and soul lifting affair - a profound Radical Participation Festival for all woman! Come and join us. Tickets are held at a minimum price and include camping and all food I will be facilitating…

Talk: The Expanded & Unified Consciousness

If you want to access my talk about Expanded and Unified Consciousness at the Unified Consciousness Project, you will need to register. Please register and they will send you the link on Sunday when my talk will be live. There is also a free gift to be had. You wil receive recordings / access to…

Earth Wisdom Dialogue: Reorienting Humanity

I am delighted and honoured to be one of the 'dialoguers / speakers' at this amazing Earth Wisdom Dialogue event on the 24th June 2022 between 18pm and 22pm. Participation is FREE. You can register via Eventbrite Come and join us at the Earth WISDOM DIALOGUE to catalyse Wisdom from all corners of the World, engaging with (indigenous)…

Empower and Re-wild your Inner Sacred Feminine (Interactive Online)

  Empower and Re-wild your Inner Sacred Feminine The feminine holds the deep knowing of nature, of life, death and rebirth – of the circles and cycles of life. This is the great medicine and gift that the feminine has to give in this time of challenge and change, which we need to re-discover, re-empower,…

Sacred Earth Roots Gathering

I will be one of the Elders taking part in the Sacred Earth Roots & Culture Gathering offered by the amazing 'Shops not Crops' tribe near Glastonbury. For information and tickets, check out their website.  

GreenSpirit Annual Gathering – Shamanism: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life and Healing

I will be the main facilitator - shamanic workshops and Cacao ceremony - and speaker at the Green Spirit Annual Gathering, which takes place from the 29th September to 1st October in Derbyshire. The gathering is residential, in a beautiful estate, very reasonably priced and everybody is welcome. If you are interested, please check the…