Women Weaving Change

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Online Course for Women: Rebirthing The Sacred Inner Feminine

Ineractive zoom course

Rebirthing Your Sacred Inner Feminine This time of challenge and transformation calls more than ever for the sacred gifts and powers of the divine inner feminine to be nurtured and come to the fore. The sacred inner feminine is an important aspect of the feminine archetype, which women are called to re-discover, honour, re-embody and…


Hosting, Workshops & Cacao Ceremony @ WOMEN FEST 2021

Woman Fest Glastonbury

I will be hosting the WOMEN RISING space this year at the Woman Fest 202, Glastonbury. It's an amazing, vibrant, heart-and soul lifting affair - a profound Radical Participation Festival for all woman! Come and join us. Tickets are held at a minimum price and include camping and all food https://www.womanfest.co.uk I will be facilitating…

Women Weaving Change: End Violence Towards Women and Girls

Women Weaving Change: Modern Medicine Women Training School invites women to come together for a free event, working with our feminine energetic power towards ending violence against women and girls. We will specifically honour and focus on the female victims of murder and rape throughout the world, and the suppressed women in Afghanistan, employing journeying…


Free Event: Renewal of the Sacred Earth Feminine

Please register via Eventbrite to receive the zoom link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/renewal-of-the-sacred-earth-feminine-tickets-228969292317 This event invites you to connect, through a guided journey and movement, with you inner Earth Feminine. We will contact her aspects of water, fire, earth and air with the intent of embodying, valuing and strengthening them. The feminine, like Earth, in her life giving, life sustaining…

Discover & Empower your Inner Medicine Woman

Do you hear the call of your Inner Medicine Woman? This one-day interactive zoom workshop for women will focus on your Inner Medicine Woman, a powerful archetypal aspect of the deeper feminine self, who calls us – now more than ever - to grow into our specific power and bring it into the world. According…


Modern Medicine Woman Practitioner Training Course

Zoom & EarthSpirit Center

THIS COURSE IS NOW FULLY BOOKED Are you called to step into the powerful role of a modern medicine woman? This substantial, certificated and accredited practitioner training course invites you to become a Modern Medicine Woman, step into your authentic power and share your unique medicine with the world In indigenous teachings, Medicine means the…


Six weeks to Self-Empowerment and Living your Soul Purpose

Six weeks to Self-Empowerment and Living your Soul Purpose Are you a woman who’s struggling to find her unique Soul Purpose and to fulfil your potential? Are you yearning for the freedom to focus on what really matters to you? Do you wish you had complete faith in your intuition for guidance and your ability…

£245.00 – £288.00

Free event: Creating a Loving Space in Solidarity with our Sisters in the USA

Join us for an interactive free evening to create and send out loving energies of solidarity to our sisters in the USA We will include a guided journey to the place of women’s power and light candles to symbolise the sending of our support and love. We would like this to be an interactive space,…

Empower and Re-wild your Inner Sacred Feminine (Interactive Online)

  Empower and Re-wild your Inner Sacred Feminine The feminine holds the deep knowing of nature, of life, death and rebirth – of the circles and cycles of life. This is the great medicine and gift that the feminine has to give in this time of challenge and change, which we need to re-discover, re-empower,…

Discover, Awaken & Empower your Inner Medicine Woman (Interactive Online)

Zoom event

Do you hear the call of your Inner Medicine Woman? This one-day interactive zoom workshop for women will focus on your Inner Medicine Woman, a powerful archetypal aspect of the deeper feminine self, who calls us – now more than ever - to grow into our specific power and bring it into the world. According…


Free Event: Tending to our Sacred Feminine Earth Soul

Please register via Eventbrite to receive the zoom link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tending-to-our-sacred-feminine-earth-soul-tickets-482986685177 As the new year beings, we invite you to connect, through a guided journey and movement, to your Sacred Earth Soul, explore her sacred aspects, nourish her, tune into her wisdom and embrace her radiance. Many indigenous cultures teach that we have a Celestial and…

Discover, Activate & Empower your Inner Medicine Woman (Interactive Online)

Zoom event

The live workshop took place on the 11th March. Due to the extensive demand we have made the recordings available. If you would like to purchase the recording of the exercises and teachings, please click into tickets. Do you hear the call of your Inner Medicine Woman? This one-day interactive zoom workshop for women will…

£38.00 – £68.00

Becoming the Transformational Vessel: Working with the Council of Female Elders

Becoming the Transformational Vessel: Working with the Council of Female Elders We live in chaotic and transformational times where our inner and outer energies are shifting in challenging ways, which might affect you in various ways, such as depleting your power, making you feel low or lacking focus and direction. This course will enable you…


Modern Medicine Woman Practitioner Training Course

Zoom & EarthSpirit Center

Are you called to step into the powerful role of a modern medicine woman? This substantial, certificated and accredited practitioner training course invites you to become a Modern Medicine Woman, step into your authentic power and share your unique medicine with the world In indigenous teachings, Medicine means the presence and power embodied in or…

£390.00 – £1,380.00

Receive your Unique Medicine Message

Receive your unique Medicine Message - Interactive Webinar hosted by Shaman Portal USA Are you seeking to activate, develop and strengthen your inner feminine wisdom, archetypal powers, and unique shamanic medicine?   This interactive webinar, facilitated by myself and Vanessa Tucker, invites you to connect with the medicine of your sacred inner feminine and receive personal insights…

Learn the Art of Divination

Learn the Art of Divination - A training workshop for women  Since time began, human beings have used the art of divination to seek guidance, wisdom and answers from the unseen realms. If you want to explore and learn this ancient art and strengthen your intuitive abilities using oracle cards, this one-day workshop is perfect…

£60.00 – £85.00

Free event: Crones, Hags & The Power of Elder Wise Women 2023

I WILL BE ONE OF THE SPEAKERS. Join us in this amazing 7-day no-cost event hosted by Dr Alison Palmer and Full Circle Women to celebrate and honoUr the powerful contributions we make to global healing as elder wise women. To register, please click into https://www.fullcirclewomen.com/t2r0 Crones, Hags & The Power of Elder Wise Women 2023…

Receive your Unique Sacred Message and Guidance

This event is interactive online. It is hosted by Conscious Cafe London. For more information and tickets please click here    Receive your Unique Sacred Message and Guidance with the Medicine Woman Wisdom Oracle Are you seeking to activate, develop and strengthen your inner feminine wisdom, archetypal powers, and unique medicine? This webinar invites you…

Become a Medicine Dancer between Earth and Sky

Become a Medicine Dancer between Earth and Sky - A training workshop for rising Medicine Women The Medicine Dancer is a conduit of healing energy, a storyteller through movement, and a keeper of ancestral wisdom. This weekend training workshop connects you with the skills and gifts of the medicine dancer and teaches you how to activate,…

£145.00 – £195.00

Activate, Express and Strengthen your Feminine Power – Live workshop in Plymouth

Plymouth Unitarian Church Notte Street, Plymouth, United Kingdom

This exciting and inspiring workshop invites you to get in touch with your inner archetypal feminine power and strengthen and express her.  We will use shamanic journeying to access and activate the archetypal feminine, which is a vital part within each of us that has been suppressed throughout history. We will give her space to…

£50.00 – £68.00

Learn the Art of Divination – Interactive online training workshop

Learn the Art of Divination - Interactive online training workshop for women  Since time began, human beings have used the art of divination to seek guidance, wisdom and answers from the unseen realms. If you want to explore and learn this ancient art to conduct readings for yourself and others, whilst strengthening your intuitive abilities using oracle…

£60.00 – £80.00

Modern Medicine Woman Practitioner Training Course

Zoom & EarthSpirit Center

Are you called to step into the powerful role of a modern medicine woman? This substantial, certificated and accredited practitioner training course invites you to become a Modern Medicine Woman, step into your authentic power and share your unique medicine with the world In indigenous teachings, Medicine means the presence and power embodied in or…

Get Tickets £390.00 – £780.00

Women Weaving Peace – Free Gathering and Ceremony

We invite you to take part in our interactive peace ceremony in support of all our sisters and brothers, who suffer the horrors of war - in Palestine and around the wrold. We will offer a guided visualisation to assist with the transformation of the heavy energy into light, and send our prayers and blessings…


Becoming the Transformational Vessel: Working with the Council of Female Elders

Becoming the Transformational Vessel: Working with the Council of Female Elders Please click here for booking your place or to buy the recordings We live in challenging and transformational times where our inner and outer energies are shifting, which might affect you in various ways, such as depleting your power, making you feel low or…

Women Weaving Peace – Free Gathering and Ceremony

Please register for this free event via EVENTBRITE We invite you to take part in our interactive peace ceremony in support of all our sisters and brothers, who suffer the horrors of war - in Palestine and around the wrold. We will offer a guided visualisation to assist with the transformation of the heavy energy…

Free Gathering for Women: Women Dreaming

To register for your free place, please click here Free Gathering for Women: Women Dreaming ‘The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we are weak and sing with us when we are strong’ – Sark Women have, since time immemorial, gathered in circles with the intention to…

Wise Women, Sages, Elders & Crones

The offering:  This three-evening workshop is an invitation to women who feel that they are approaching, or have already reached, the stage of the Elder, Crone or Wise Woman. It is an invitation for women who want to, in a safe circle with others, dive deeper into the subject, and explore the realms of their…


Free Gathering for Women: Sacredness of the Feminine

To register for your free place, please click here Free Gathering for Women: Sacredness of the Feminine ‘The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we are weak and sing with us when we are strong’ – Sark Women have, since time immemorial, gathered in circles with the…

Free Gathering for Women: Female Strength & Vulnerability

To register for your free place, please click here Free Gathering for Women: Female Strength & Vulnerability ‘The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we are weak and sing with us when we are strong’ – Sark Women have, since time immemorial, gathered in circles with the…

Dreaming with the Sacred Earth Feminine

Register for this event via Eventbrite (click the link)  This interactive workshop is offered within the framework of 7-days of Rest. We will journey to the Sacred Earth Feminine, which we all carry in archetypal and energetic form within. We will connect with her life giving and life sustaining qualities and her energies, such as…
