This inspirational, insightful and ground breaking book, originally conceptualized for therapeutic professionals, is compelling reading for everybody who is interested in the subject. Compared to the writings of C.G. Jung, it has been described as a ‘must read’, ‘enlightened contribution’ and a ‘remarkable achievement’.
In a thoroughly researched and highly accessible way it describes ancient and contemporary shamanism as well a modern therapeutic approaches, and puts both into the wider context of human development. Christa examines and explains the underlying concepts and world-views of shamanism and ties them in with current developments in psychology, physics and neuro-science.
After clarifying altered states, concepts of integrative wholeness of mind, body, soul and spirit and transformative shamanic healing approaches, the book focuses on how indigenous traditions can be adjusted to offer contemporary practitioners a highly effective repertoire of insights, psycho-spiritual approaches and therapeutic tools. Those concrete tools and techniques are described step-by-step, enabling application, and research, examples and case studies are presented throughout.
This exceptional book is a rich source for psychologists, therapists, counsellors and coaches looking for profound insights and innovative methods of practice that cater for the whole human psyche, reaching beyond contemporary Western mind and body approaches, whilst also providing enlightening reading for non-professionals interested in the subject.
Published by: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Available at and

What People Say...
Introduction: The Bigger Picture.
Part I. Spirituality Matters.
- Spirituality and Psychology.
Part II. The World of Shamanism.
- Shamanism: The Continuum of Humanities Spiritual Quest.
- The Heart of the Matter: Altered States of Consciousness and Perception.
- Strange Worlds: The Shaman’s Spirit Realms and the Quantum Realm.
- The Shaman as Therapist and Healer: Towards Integration and Wholeness.
- The Shamans Working Realms: Maps of Interconnected Human Reality.
Part III. Practical Applications: Incorporating Elements of Shamanism into Therapeutic Work.
- A Sense of the Sacred: Clients, Space and Objects.
- Giving it Form: Embodying and Bridging Intent into Matter.
- A Place of Power and Sanctuary for the Client.
- The Shamanic Journey as a Therapeutic Tool.
- Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval.
- Widening our Circle: Connecting with Ancestors and Descendents.
- Myths, Stories and Teaching Tales.
- Therapeutic Work with Ritual and Ceremony.
- The Medicine Wheel as a Psycho-spiritual and Therapeutic Tool.
- Travelling Home: Re-connecting with Nature.
- The Cycle of Life: When the Body Dies.
Part IV. Back to the Bigger Picture.
- About Individual and Collective Purpose in Today’s World.